Hello, we are...
...one of the most successful math teams in the nation.
The Individual
Develop your problem solving skills weekly by attending guest lectures and afterschool Monday Practices.
Learn new math topics to prepare for national competitions and become a better mathlete.
The Friend Group
VMT is a great place to meet new people who share your passion for math!
Form lifelong connections with fellow mathletes who will help you grow.
The Community
Here at VMT we have lots of fun. Join us for pie eating contests, plank countdowns, and more!
Give back to the math community by volunteering at outreach events like Techstravaganza and TJIMO.
The Journey
Our team meets during 8th period on Wednesday A and B block as well as Thursday after school in spring.
Whether your an experienced mathlete or curious beginner, VMT is an excellent way to spend your time in high school.

Abhinav Palikala
“Ever since I’ve come to TJ, VMT has been a club that I could call home. Being a froshmore, while making friends was difficult, VMT really made me feel like I was part of something special at TJ. I’ve had several opportunities to work with so many amazingly smart people that have now become my closest friends. While teachers might throw projects and deadlines at me at variable frequency, VMT has been a constant joy that I could hold onto. I wouldn’t trade my time in VMT for anything else in the world.”

Olivia Wu
“What sets VMT apart from other clubs is the impact we have on our local communities. The attendance at TJIMO was the largest since the pandemic, and we had a blast hosting a day of math for everyone. It was amazing to see familiar faces from TJIMO among the incoming freshmen to TJ. The connections we make through math carry on throughout the years and can only be strengthened at VMT.”

Luv Udeshi
“VMT has been a great experience for the past two years of high school. Beyond the exhilarating competitions and rigorous problem-solving sessions, it has helped me build lasting friendships and connected me to many new people. It is an essential part of my life, and I couldn’t imagine high school without it.”